Step 2: Has Many
We’ll be adding the database table positions
id | employee_id | title | active | historical_index | created_at | updated_at |
1 | 900 | Engineer | true | 1 | 2018-09-04 | 2018-09-04 |
2 | 900 | Intern | true | 2 | 2018-09-04 | 2018-09-04 |
3 | 800 | Manager | true | 1 | 2018-09-04 | 2018-09-04 |
Because this table tracks all historical positions, we have the
column. This tells the order the employee moved
through each position, where 1
is most recent.
The Rails Stuff 🚂
Generate the Position
$ bin/rails g model Position title:string active:boolean historical_index:integer employee:belongs_to
$ bin/rails db:migrate
Update the Employee
model with the association, too:
# app/models/employee.rb
has_many :positions
And update our seed data:
# db/seeds.rb
[Employee, Position].each(&:delete_all)
100.times do
employee = Employee.create! first_name: Faker::Name.first_name,
last_name: Faker::Name.last_name,
age: rand(20..80)
(1..2).each do |i|
employee.positions.create! title: Faker::Job.title,
historical_index: i,
active: i == 1
$ bin/rails db:seed
The Graphiti Stuff 🎨
Let’s start by running the same command as before to create
$ bin/rails g graphiti:resource Position title:string active:boolean
We’ll need to add the association, just like ActiveRecord:
# app/resources/employee_resource.rb
has_many :positions
…and a corresponding filter:
# app/resources/position_resource.rb
filter :employee_id, :integer
If you visit /api/v1/employees
, you’ll see a number of HTTP
that allow lazy-loading positions. Or, if you visit
, you’ll load the employees and
positions in a single request. We’ll dig a bit deeper into this logic
in the section below.
Before we get there, let’s revisit the historical_index
column. For now, let’s
treat this as an implementation detail that the API should not expose -
let’s say we want to support sorting on this attribute but nothing else:
attribute :historical_index, :integer, only: [:sortable]
We’re almost done, but if you run your tests you’ll see two outstanding
errors. This is because Rails 5 belongs_to associations are required by
default. We can’t save a Position
without its corresponding Employee
We can solve this in three ways:
- Turn this off globally, with config.active_record.belongs_to_required_by_default. You may want to do this in test-mode only.
- Turn this off for the specific association:
belongs_to :employee, optional: true
. - Associate an
as part of the API request.
We’ll take for the last option. Look at
RSpec.describe PositionResource, type: :resource do
describe 'creating' do
let(:payload) do
data: {
type: 'positions',
attributes: { }
let(:instance) do
it 'works' do
expect {
expect(instance.save).to eq(true)
}.to change { Position.count }.by(1)
When running our tests, let’s make sure the historical_index
reflects the order we created the positions. This code recalculates
everything after a record is saved:
# spec/factories/position.rb
FactoryBot.define do
factory :position do
title { Faker::Job.title }
after(:create) do |position|
unless position.historical_index
scope = Position
.where(employee_id: position.employee.id)
.order(created_at: :desc)
scope.each_with_index do |p, index|
p.update_attribute(:historical_index, index + 1)
Let’s associate an Employee
. Start by seeding the data:
let!(:employee) { create(:employee) }
And associate via relationships
let(:payload) do
data: {
type: 'positions',
attributes: { },
relationships: {
employee: {
data: {
id: employee.id.to_s,
type: 'employees'
To ensure the PositionResource
will process this relationship, the
last step is to add it:
# app/resources/position_resource.rb
belongs_to :employee
This will associate the Position
to the Employee
as part of the
creation process. The test should now pass - make the same change to
to get a fully-passing test
Digging Deeper 🧐
Why did we need the employee_id
filter above? To explain that, let’s dive deeper into the logic connecting Resources.
If you hit /api/v1/employees
, you’ll see a number of
Links in the
response. These are useful for lazy-loading, but the same logic
applies to eager loading. Let’s take a look at a Link to see how these
Resources connect together:
relationships: {
positions: {
links: {
related: "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/positions?filter[employee_id]=1"
The salient bit: /positions?filter[employee_id]=1
. In other words,
fetch all Positions for the given Employee id.That means, whether we’re lazy-loading data in separate requests or
eager-loading in a single request, the same logic fires
filter: { employee_id: 1 }
This means we need filter :employee_id, :integer
to satisfy the query.
We can customize the logic connecting Resources in a few different ways. First some simple options:
has_many :positions, foreign_key: :emp_id, primary_key: :eid
So far so good. The logic, and corresponding Link, both update as you’d
expect (though we’d of course need a corresponding filter
:emp_id, :integer
on PositionResource
Those options are just simple versions of parameter customization.
You can customize parameters connecting Resources with the params
has_many :positions do
params do |hash, employees|
hash[:filter] # => { employee_id: employees.map(&:id) }
hash[:filter][:active] = true
hash[:sort] = '-created_at'
Customizing these params affects the Link as well as the eager-load
logic. Remember the parameters here should reflect the JSON:API
specification, or anything PositionResource.all
These are the most common options, but there’s a bunch more. Check out the Resource Relationships Guide to dig even deeper.