1 Overview

The same way a Model is an abstraction around a database table, a Resource is an abstraction around an API endpoint. It holds logic for querying, persisting, and serializing data.

For a condensed view of the Resource interface, see the cheatsheet.

2 Attributes

A Resource is composed of Attributes. Each Attribute has a name (e.g. first_name) that corresponds to a JSON key, and a Type (e.g. string) that corresponds to a JSON value.

To define an attribute:

attribute :first_name, :string

2.1 Limiting Behavior

Each attribute consists of five flags: readable, writable, sortable, filterable, and schema. Any of these flags can be turned off:

attribute :name, :string, sortable: false

Or use only/except shorthand:

attribute :name, :string, only: [:sortable]
attribute :name, :string, except: [:writable]

The schema flag is not affected by only/except options. This option determines if the attribute is exported to the schema.json.

You might want to allow behavior only if a certain condition is met. Pass a symbol to guard this behavior via corresponding method, only allowing the behavior if the method returns true:

attribute :name, :string, writable: :admin?

def admin?
  # ... logic ...

When guarding the :readable flag, the method can optionally accept the model instance being serialized as an argument:

attribute :name, :string, readable: :allowed?

def allowed?(model_instance)
  model_instance.internal == false

2.2 Default Behavior

By default, attributes are enabled for all behavior. You may want to disable certain behavior globally, for example a read-only API. Use these properties to affect all subclasses:

self.attributes_readable_by_default = false # default true
self.attributes_writable_by_default = false # default true
self.attributes_filterable_by_default = false # default true
self.attributes_sortable_by_default = false # default true
self.attributes_schema_by_default = false # default true

2.3 Customizing Display

Pass a block to attribute to customize display:

attribute :name, :string do

@object will be an instance of your model.

2.4 Types

Each Attribute has a Type. Each Type defines behavior for

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Filtering

For each of these, we’ll first attempt to coerce the given value to the correct type. If that fails, we will raise an error.

The implementation for each of these actions lives in a Dry Type. Take the :integer_id type: here we want to render a string, but query with an integer (this is the default for all Resource id attributes):


# {
#   params: Dry::Types['coercible.integer'],
#   read: Dry::Types['coercible.string'],
#   write: Dry::Types['coercible.integer'],
#   ...
# }

You can edit these implementations as you wish. Let’s make the :string type render an integer:

Graphiti::Types[:string][:read] = Dry::Types['coercible.integer']

The built-in Types are:

  • integer_id
  • string
  • integer
  • big_decimal
  • float
  • date
  • datetime
  • uuid
  • string_enum
  • integer_enum
  • boolean
  • hash
  • array

All but the last 3 have Array doppelgängers: array_of_integers, array_of_dates, etc.

The integer_id type says, “render as a string, but query as an integer” and is the default for the id attribute. The uuid type says “this is a string, but query me case-sensitive by default”.

2.5 Enum Types

Graphiti provides two built enum types, string_enum and integer_enum. These behave in exactly the same way as the string and integer types, respectively, except that when declaring them as either an attribute or a filter you are required to pass the allow option, which is the list of acceptable values for the field:

attribute :status, :string_enum, allow: ['draft', 'published']

Or if your attribute is backed by an ActiveRecord, you could reference the values directly

# app/models/post.rb
class Post < ApplicationRecord
  enum status: {
    draft: 0,
    published: 1

# app/resources/post_resource.rb
class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  attribute :status, :string_enum, allow: Post.statuses.keys

See the section on filter options for more details on allow behavior

Note: Graphiti does not currently do any value checking on enum fields when writing an attribute, and it still expects that your model layer will validate any data coming in.

2.6 Custom Types

Dry Types supports custom types. Let’s register a “capital letters” type:

# Define the Type
definition = Dry::Types::Nominal.new(String)
type = definition.constructor do |input|

# Register it with Graphiti
Graphiti::Types[:caps_lock] = {
  params: type,
  read: type,
  write: type,
  kind: 'scalar',
  canonical_name: :caps_lock,
  description: 'All capital letters'

# Use in a Resource
attribute :name, :caps_lock

3 Querying

Resources must be able to dynamically compose a query that can be run against an arbitrary backend (SQL, NoSQL, service calls, etc). They do this through the concept of scoping.

The best way to understand scoping is to take a look at what happens “under the hood”. Here’s the simple Resource, where most of the logic is hiding in the Adapter:

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  attribute :title, :string

Now let’s show the long-hand version. This is completely runnable code (we’re just overriding the default behavior with an explicit version of the same):

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  filter :title do |scope, value|
    eq do |scope, value|
      scope.where(title: value)

  sort :title do |scope, dir|
    scope.order(title: dir)

  paginate do |scope, current_page, per_page|

  def base_scope

  def resolve(scope)

Let’s break this down the key elements:

def base_scope

Graphiti builds queries just like ActiveRecord: start with a base scope (Post.all), and alter that scope based on the incoming request. #base_scope defines our starting point.

filter :title do |scope, value|
  eq do |scope, value|
    scope.where(title: value)

When the title query parameter is present, we alter the scope.

def resolve(scope)

The #resolve method is in charge of actually executing the query and returning model instances.

In other words, this code is roughly equivalent to:

scope = Post.all # #base_scope
if value = params[:filter].try(:[], :title)
  scope = scope.where(title: value) # .filter
scope.to_a # #resolve

3.1 Query Interface

Resources can query and persist data without an API request or response. To query, pass a JSONAPI-compliant query hash:

  filter: { first_name: 'Jane' },
  sort: '-created_at',
  page: { size: 10, number: 2 }

The return value from .all is a proxy object, similar to ActiveRecord::Relation:

# ActiveRecord:
employees = Employee.all
employees.class # ActiveRecord::Relation
# No query fires until .map
employees.map(&:first_name) # => ["Jane", "Joe", ...]

# Graphiti Resource:
employees = EmployeeResource.all
employees.class # Graphiti::ResourceProxy
# No query fires until .map
employees.map(&:first_name) # => ["Jane", "Joe", ...]

# Access model instances directly
employees.data # => [#<Employee>, #<Employee>, ...]

This proxy object can render JSONAPI, simple JSON, or XML:

employees = EmployeeResource.all

Use .find to find a single record by id, raising Graphiti::Errors::RecordNotFound if no records are returned:

employee = EmployeeResource.find(id: 123)
employee.data.first_name # => "Jane"

Note: SomeResource.find returns a ResourceProxy. To access the model/record proper you will want to make sure you call .data on the result of find as shown above.

3.2 Composing with Scopes

3.2.1 #base_scope

Override the #base_scope method whenever you have logic that should apply to every query. For example, if we only ever wanted to return active Positions:

def base_scope
  Position.where(active: true)

This can be overridden by passing a second argument to Resource.all:

class InactivePostsController < PostsController
  def index
    posts = PostResource.all(params, Post.where(active: false))

3.4 Sort

Use the sort DSL to customize sorting behavior.

sort :name, :string do |scope, direction|
  scope.order(first_name: direction, last_name: direction)

If you’ve already defined a corresponding attribute, you’ll be overriding that default behavior (and there is no need to pass a type as the second argument):

attribute :name, :string

sort :name do |scope, direction|
  # ... code ...

Note: sort defines a sort-only attribute. If you want other behavior, like filtering, it’s best to define the attribute first.

3.4.1 Sort Options

Pass :only if you support just a single direction:

sort :name, only: [:desc]

3.5 Filter

Use the filter DSL to customize each operator:

filter :name, :string do
  eq do |scope, value|
    scope.where(first_name: value)

  # prefix do ... end
  # suffix do ... end
  # etc

The built-in operators for ActiveRecord are:

  • eq (case-insensitive)
  • eql (case-sensitive)
  • prefix
  • suffix
  • match
  • gt (greater-than)
  • gte (greater-than-or-equal-to)
  • lt (less-than)
  • lte (less-than-or-equal-to)

Note that Graphiti expects filters to support multiple values by default, so value will be an array. Pass single: true if you do not support multiple values.

To pass multiple values in a query string, comma-delimit: /employees?filter[name]=Jane,John

If you’ve already defined a corresponding attribute, you’ll be overriding that default behavior (and there is no need to pass a type as the second argument):

attribute :name, :string

filter :name do
  eq do |scope, value|
    # ... code ...

You can define custom operators on-the-fly:

filter :name do
  fuzzy_match do |scope, value|
    # ... code ...

Will now support filter[name][fuzzy_match]=foo

Note: filter defines a filter-only attribute. If you want other behavior, like sorting, it’s best to define the attribute first.

3.5.1 Filter Options

Pass :only or :except to limit possible operators:

filter :name, :string, only: [:eq, :suffix]

Pass :allow or :reject to only allow filtering on certain values, or reject bad values:

filter :size, :string, allow: ['Big', 'Medium', 'Small']

filter :size, :string, reject: ['X-Large']

By default, all filters accept multiple values, causing the yielded value to always be an array. Pass single: true to only allow a single value:

# Default behavior
filter :name, :string do
  eq do |scope, value|
    value # => ["Jane"]

# With single: true
filter :name, :string, single: true do
  eq do |scope, value|
    value # => "Jane"

Filters can be required:

# Via attribute
attribute :customer_id, :integer, filterable: :required

# Via filter
filter :customer_id, :string, required: true

Filters can also depend on other filters, requiring all criteria to be present:

# We query customers by id AND type, not one or the other
filter :customer_id, :integer, dependent: [:customer_type]
filter :customer_type, :string, dependent: [:customer_id]
3.5.2 Boolean Filter

It doesn’t make sense for a filter with type boolean to accept multiple values. These filters will be single: true by default.

3.5.3 Hash Filter

Filters with type hash will automatically parse JSON when passed in a URL query string:

# GET /employees?filter[metadata]={ "foo": 100 }

filter :metadata, :hash do
  eq do |scope, value|
    value # => [{ "foo" => 100 }]
3.5.4 Escaping Values

By default, Graphiti parses a comma-delimited string as an array. There are times you may not want this - for instance a “keyword search” field that could contain a comma.

Wrap values in {{curlies}} to avoid parsing:

# GET /employees?filter[keywords]={{some,value}}

filter :keywords, :string do
  eq do |scope, value|
    value # => "some,value"

You can also define arrays explicitly instead of delimiting on comma:

# GET /employees?filter[keywords]=[some,value]

filter :keywords, :string do
  eq do |scope, value|
    value # => ["some", "value"]

If a filter is marked single: true, we’ll avoid any array parsing and escape the value for you, filtering on the string as given.

By default a value that comes in as null is treated as a string "null". To coerce null to a Ruby nil mark the filter with allow_nil: true. This can be changed for all attributes by setting filters_accept_nil_by_default

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  self.filters_accept_nil_by_default = true

3.6 Statistics

Statistics are useful and common. Consider a datagrid listing posts - we might want a “Total Posts” count displayed above the grid without firing an additional request. Notably, that statistic should take into account filtering, but should not take into account pagination.

All resources have a total count statistic by default:

  stats: { total: 'count' }


Would cause the meta section of the response to be:

  meta: {
    stats: {
      total: {
        count: 100

Allow a given statistic to be requested using .stat:

stat total: [:count]
stat rating: [:average]
stat likes: [:sum]
stat score: [:maximum]
stat score: [:maximum]

# e.g.
# {
#   meta: {
#     stats: {
#       rating: {
#         average: 74
#       }
#     }
#   }
# }

You can also define custom statistics:

stat rating: [:average] do
  standard_deviation do |scope, attr|
    # your standard deviation code here

3.7 Extra Fields

Sometimes you have a field that is not always needed, and perhaps computationally expensive. In this case, you only want the field returned when explicitly requested by the client. To do this:

extra_attribute :net_worth

This works just like attribute, except the field is read-only and will only be returned when requested. The query parameter signature matches fields: ?extra_fields[employees]=net_worth.

You may want to adjust your scope to eager load data when a given extra field is requested. To do this:

resource.on_extra_attribute :net_worth do |scope|

3.8 #resolve

After we build up a query, we pass it to #resolve. Resolve must do two things:

  • Execute the query
  • Return an array of Model instances

Override #resolve if you need more than the default behavior:

def resolve(scope)
  Rails.logger.info "begin resolving scope..."
  result = super
  Rails.logger.info "resolved!"

4 Configuration

Here’s a Resource with explicit defaults:

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  self.model = Post
  self.type = 'posts'

  # Only used if you care about Links
  primary_endpoint '/posts', [:index, :show, :create, :update, :destroy]

  # default nil
  self.default_sort = [{ title: :asc }]

  # default 20
  self.default_page_size = 10

Typically you’d inherit from ApplicationResource. Here are some common higher-level customization options that will affect subclasses:

class ApplicationResource < Graphiti::Resource
  # Must be set when no corresponding model/query
  self.abstract_class = true

  # Subclasses can override if needed
  self.adapter = Graphiti::Adapters::ActiveRecord

  # Default attribute flags:
  # attribute :title, :string,
  #   readable: default,
  #   writable: default,
  #   sortable: default,
  #   filterable: default
  self.attributes_readable_by_default = true
  self.attributes_writable_by_default = true
  self.attributes_sortable_by_default = true
  self.attributes_filterable_by_default = true

  # Used for link generation
  self.base_url = Rails.application.routes.default_url_options[:host]
  # Used for link generation
  # Suggest referencing this config/routes.rb:
  # scope path: ApplicationResource.endpoint_namespace do
  #   resources :posts
  # end
  self.endpoint_namespace = '/api/v1'

  # Will raise an error if a resource is being accessed from a URL it is not allowlisted for
  # Helpful for link validation
  self.validate_endpoints = false

  # Automatically generate JSONAPI links?
  self.autolink = true

4.1 Polymorphic Resources

Polymorphic Resources are similar to ActiveRecord STI: when a single query can return multiple Resource instances. We may query /tasks, but return bugs, features, epics, etc.

For example, given the ActiveRecord models:

class Employee < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :tasks

# tasks table has a 'type' column
class Task < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :employee

class Bug < Task

# ONLY Feature has #points
class Feature < Task
  def points

# ONLY Epic has the milestones relationship
class Epic < Task
  has_many :milestones

class Milestone < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :epic

We could define the following Polymorphic Resources:

class TaskResource < ApplicationResource
  # Reference child classes
  self.polymorphic = [

  attribute :title, :string

class BugResource < TaskResource

class FeatureResource < TaskResource
  attribute :points, :integer

class EpicResource < TaskResource
  has_many :milestones

class MilestoneResource < TaskResource
  belongs_to :epic

If we hit a /tasks endpoint, we’d get back JSONAPI types of bugs, features and epics. Only features would render the points attribute, and only epics would render the milestones relationship.

A query to /tasks?include=milestones would correctly only query and render Milestones for Epics.

5 Relationships

Resources can connect to other Resources via relationships. Each relationship determines behavior for:

  • Sideloading (load both Resources in a single request)
  • Links (URL to lazy-load in separate request)
  • Sideposting (save both in single request)

When connecting resources, you can imagine the logic similar to ActiveRecord’s .includes:

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  has_many :comments

class CommentResource < ApplicationResource
  attribute :post_id, :integer, only: [:filterable]
  belongs_to :post

PostResource.all(include: 'comments')
# Under the hood:
# CommentResource.all(filter: { post_id: array_of_post_ids })

CommentResource.all(include: 'post')
# Under the hood:
# PostResource.all(filter: { id: array_of_comment_ids })

Note the explicit post_id filter on CommentResource

5.1 Deep Queries

A query that applies to a relationship is referred to as a deep query. Use the dot-syntax to deep query:



The above references the relationship name. For simplicity, you can also pass the JSONAPI type in brackets:


Sorting and pagination currently only support the JSONAPI type:



5.2 Customizing Relationships

The default options you can override are:

has_many :positions,
  foreign_key: :employee_id,
  primary_key: :id,
  resource: EmployeeResource,
  readable: true,
  writable: true,
  link: self.autolink, # default true
  single: false, # only allow this sideload when one employee
  always_include_resource_ids: false

note: Setting always_include_resource_ids: true could result in 1+N queries (see #167)

5.2.1 Customizing Scope

Use params to change the query parameters that will be passed to the associated Resource:

has_many :active_positions, resource: PositionResource do
  params do |hash, employees|
    hash[:filter][:active] = true

# Would cause the underlying query:
# PositionResource.all({
#   filter: {
#     employee_id: array_of_employee_ids
#     active: true
#   }
# })

If there is no existing AR association for this we would also need to make it a getter/setter on the model.

# app/models/position.rb
attr_accessor :active_positions
5.2.1 Customizing Assignment

Once we’ve fetched primary data and its relationship (e.g. we have an employees array and positions array), we need to associate these objects:

employees.each do |e|
  e.positions = positions.select { |p| p.employee_id == e.id }

Occasionally this logic will be non-standard or more complex. Use assign_each to customize, returning all relevant children for the given parent:

has_many :positions do
  assign_each do |employee, positions|
    positions.select { |p| p.belongs_to?(employee) }

Or if all else fails, use #assign to control all the logic:

has_many :positions do
  assign do |employees, positions|
    employees.each do |employee|
      positions.select { |p| p.belongs_to?(employee) }

Note: ActiveRecord will sometimes cause unexpected queries when assigning. If you’re overriding #assign, make sure to keep an eye on this. If using #assign_each, you’re fine because the adapter will take care of this for you.

5.3 has_many

has_many :positions

Defaults to these common options:

has_many :positions,
  foreign_key: :employee_id,
  primary_key: :id,
  always_include_resource_ids: false,
  resource: PositionResource

Which would cause the following query when sideloading:

PositionResource.all({ filter: { employee_id => employee_ids } })

This means we need to make sure that filter is supported:

class PositionResource < ApplicationResource
  attribute :employee_id, :integer, only: [:filterable]
  # ... code ...

Once we’ve resolved employees and positions the resulting objects would be associated with logic similar to:

employees.each do |e|
  e.positions = positions.select { |p| p.employee_id == e.id }

And generate a Link:


5.4 belongs_to

belongs_to :employee

Defaults to these common options:

belongs_to :employee,
  foreign_key: :employee_id,
  primary_key: :id,
  always_include_resource_ids: false,
  resource: EmployeeResource

Which would cause the following query when sideloading:

EmployeeResource.all({ filter: { id => position_ids } })

And assign the resulting objects with logic similar to:

positions.each do |p|
  p.employee = employees.find { |e| p.employee_id == e.id }

And generate a Link:


5.5 has_one

has_one works exactly like has_many, but only one record will be returned. When sideloading this will be a single element, much like belongs_to.

There is one small caveat: Links always point to an index action, so we can apply filters. That means following has_one Link will lead to an array, and you should select the first record.

5.5.1 Faux has_one

A “Faux Has One” occurrs when there is more than one record of associated data, but we only want to return the first record in that array. Consider this ActiveRecord relationship:

# app/models/employee.rb
has_many :positions
has_one :current_position, -> { where(created_at: :desc) }, class_name: 'Position'


# SELECT * FROM employees
# SELECT * FROM positions WHERE employee_id IN (?) ORDER BY created_at DESC

When we eager load, more than one Position is returned from the database query. Assigning only the first record and dropping the rest occurs in ruby, not the database query.

The same thing happens in Graphiti:

# app/resources/employee_resource.rb
has_many :positions
has_one :current_position, resource: PositionResource do
  params do |hash|
    hash[:sort] = '-created_at'

EmployeeResource.all(include: 'current_position')
# PositionResource.all({
#   filter: { employee_id: employee_ids },
#   sort: '-created_at'
# })

Though everything works as expected, a large number of Position records can incur a performance penalty (as we’d be instantiating a large number of ActiveRecord objects).

For this reason, you are encouraged to model Faux Has One’s in such a way that the underlying database query only returns the relevant single record. Imagine if we had a historical_index column on positions, where a value of 1 meant “most recent”:

# app/models/employee.rb
has_many :positions
has_one :current_position, -> { where(historical_index: 1) }, class_name: 'Position'


# SELECT * FROM employees
# SELECT * FROM positions WHERE employee_id IN (?) AND historical_index = 1

We’ve ensured the query itself only returns a single record. Optimizing a Graphiti API is the same as optimizing queries.

5.6 many_to_many

This relationship is specific to relational databases that use a “join table” between two tables.

Though you can make this work for other ORMs/clients, it’s easiest to explain by focusing on ActiveRecord.

First, you must use has_many :through and not has_and_belongs_to_many:

class Employee < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :team_memberships
  has_many :teams, through: :team_memberships

class TeamMembership < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :employee
  belongs_to :team

class Team < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :team_memberships
  has_many :employees, through: :team_memberships

You can always expose team_memberships to your API - particularly useful if that table holds metadata about the relationship.

Other times, however, clients of the API should not have knowledge of this implementation detail. In these cases, use many_to_many:

class EmployeeResource < ApplicationResource
  many_to_many :teams
# Generates the Link
# /teams?filter[employee_id]=1,2,3

class TeamResource < ApplicationResource
  many_to_many :employees
# Generates the Link
# /teams?filter[team_id]=1,2,3

The many_to_many call will automatically add a Filter to the associated resource. The logic for that filter, in the case of ActiveRecord:

# app/resources/employee_resource.rb

filter :team_id, :integer do
  eq do |scope, value|
      .where(team_memberships: { team_id: value }

To customize the foreign key, you will need to specify a hash rather than a symbol. The hash key is the relationship name, so the above is equivalent to

# app/resources/employee_resource.rb

many_to_many :teams, foreign_key: { team_memberships: :team_id }

If using ActiveRecord, and the API relationship name does not match your Model relationship name, use :as to specify the model relationship that should be used to derive the query:

# The API relationship is "teams", ActiveRecord has "groups"
many_to_many :teams, as: :groups

5.7 polymorphic_belongs_to

With polymorphic associations, a Resource can belong to more than one other Resource, on a single association. Though these relationships are not specific to ActiveRecord, we’ll use ActiveRecord conventions to describe the use case.

Given the following polymorphic ActiveRecords:

class Note < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :notable, polymorphic: true

class Employee < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :notes, as: :notable

class Department < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :notes, as: :notable

class Team < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :notes, as: :notable

By ActiveRecord convention, the notes table would have columns notable_id and notable_type.

Graphiti has the same concept. In this case we would group all the notes by a given notable_type, and follow a different belongs_to association for each group:

# app/resources/note_resource.rb
polymorphic_belongs_to :notable do
  group_by(:notable_type) do

The on DSL is shorthand for a belongs_to relationship that accepts all the usual options and customizations:

on(:Employee).belongs_to :employee,
  resource: EmployeeResource
  # ... etc ...

In other words: group all Notes by notable_type, and for all that have the value of "Employee" use the belongs_to :employee relationship for further querying.

5.8 polymorphic_has_many

Continuing from the prior section, the corresponding association of a polymorphic_belongs_to is a polymorphic_has_many:

class EmployeeResource < ApplicationResource
  polymorphic_has_many :notes, as: :notable

Predictably, this causes the query:

  filter: {
    notable_type: 'Employee',
    notable_id: employee_ids

And the Link


Which means the following filters are required:

class NoteResource < ApplicationResource
  attribute :notable_id, :integer, only: [:filterable]
  attribute :notable_type, :string, only: [:filterable]
  # ... code ...

6 Generators

To generate a Resource:

$ rails generate graphiti:resource NAME [attribute:type] [options]

For example:

$ rails generate graphiti:resource Employee first_name:string age:integer

Will add a route, controller, resource, and tests.

Limit the actions this resource supports with -a:

$ rails generate graphiti:resource Employee -a index show

7 Persisting

Graphiti allows writing a graph of data in a single request. We’ll do the work of parsing the graph and ordering operations, so you can focus on the part you care about: the logic for actually persisting an object.

By default, persistence operations are handled by your adapter. The “expanded” view of the ActiveRecord implementation is below:

# app/resources/employee_resource.rb

def create(attributes)
  employee = Employee.new
  attributes.each_pair do |key, value|
    employee.send(:"#{key}=", value)

def update(attributes)
  employee = EmployeeResource.find(attributes.delete(:id)).data
  attributes.each_pair do |key, value|
    employee.send(:"#{key}=", value)

def destroy(attributes)
  employee = EmployeeResource.find(attributes.delete(:id)).data
  • You are encouraged not to override these directly. Instead, use hooks (see next section).
  • We’ll process any writable: false or guarded attributes prior to these methods.
  • After these methods, we’ll check the Model instance for validation errors, rolling back the transaction if any Model in the graph is invalid.
  • These methods must return the Model instance.

7.1 Persistence Lifecycle Hooks

Let’s dive into a persistence request. If you look at the code snippets in the prior section, the flow breaks down into 3 steps:

  • Build or find the model
  • Assign attributes to the model
  • Save

You can hook into each step:

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  before_attributes do |attributes|
    # Before attributes have been assigned to the model

  after_attributes do |model|
    # After attributes have been assigned to the model

  around_attributes :do_around_attributes

  def do_around_attributes(attributes)
    # before
    model_instance = yield attributes
    # after

  before_save do |model|
    # After attributes assigned, but before persisting

  after_save do |model|
    # After model has been saved

  around_save :do_around_save

  def do_around_save(model)
    # before
    yield model
    # after

  # This is an *override*
  # During #create, build a blank model instance
  # By default, we'd call adapter.build(model_class)
  def build(model_class)

  # This is an *override*
  # During #create/#update, assign new attributes to the model instance
  # By default, we'd call adapter.assign_attributes(model_instance, attributes)
  def assign_attributes(model_instance, attributes)
    attributes.each_pair do |key, value|
      model_instance.send(:"#{key}=", value)

  # This is an *override*
  # During #create/#update, actually save the model instance
  # By default, we'd call adapter.save(model_instance)
  def save(model_instance)

  # This is an *override*
  # During #destroy, actually save the model instance
  # By default, we'd call adapter.destroy(model_instance)
  def delete(model_instance)

  # Finally, you may want to hook around *all* the above steps:
  # Only applies to #create/#update
  around_persistence :do_around_persistence

  def do_around_persistence(attributes)
    attributes[:foo] = 'bar'
    model = yield # build/find, assign attrs, save
  • All hooks have only/except options, e.g. before_attributes only: [:update]
  • Most hooks can be called with an in-line block, or by passing a method name (e.g. before_attriubtes :do_something). The exception is around_* hooks, which must be called with a method name.

When persisting multiple objects at once, we’ll open a database transaction, process each model individually, ensure all models pass validation, then close the transaction. This means that if you raise an error at any point, or any model does not pass validations, the transaction will be rolled back.

You may want to perform an operation after all models have been processed and validated, but before the transaction is closed. One example is sending an email - you don’t want to send if the models were invalid, so after_save wouldn’t work. And you still want to do it within the transaction, so if your email server is down and an error is raised the transaction gets rolled back.

For this scenario, use before_commit:

before_commit do |model|
  PostMailer.with(post: model).some_email.deliver

7.2 Sideposting

The act of persisting multiple Resources in a single request is called Sideposting. The payload mirrors the sideloading payload for read operations, with minor additions.

Let’s create a Post and associate it to an existing Blog in a single request:

# POST /api/v1/posts
  type: 'posts',
  attributes: { title: 'My post' },
  relationships: {
    blog: {
      data: {
        id: '1',
        type: 'blogs',
        method: 'update'

The critical addition here is the method key. When we persist RESTful Resources, we send a corresponding HTTP verb. This follows the same pattern, adding a verb for each Resource in the graph. method can be one of:

  • create
  • update
  • destroy
  • disassociate (e.g. null foreign key)

When we sidepost, all objects will be persisted within the same database transaction, which rolls back if an error is raised or any objects are invalid.

7.2.1 Create

Let’s say we want to create a Post and its Blog in a single request. You’ll note that we don’t have the id key to generate a Resource Identifier (combination of id and type that uniquely identifies a Resource).

To accomodate this, send an ephemeral temp-id (any UUID):

  # POST /api/v1/posts
    type: 'posts',
    attributes: { title: 'My post' },
    relationships: {
      blog: {
        data: {
          :'temp-id' => 'abc123',
          type: 'blogs',
          method: 'create'
    included: [
        :'temp-id' => 'abc123'
        type: 'blogs',
        attributes: { name: 'New Blog' }

This random UUID:

  • Connects relevant sections of the payload.
  • Tells clients how to associate their in-memory objects with the ids returned from the server.

7.2.2 Expanded Example

Here we’re updating a Post, changing the name of its associated Blog, creating a Tag, deleting one Comment, and disassociating (null foreign key) a different Comment, all in a single request:

  data: {
    type: 'posts',
    id: 123,
    attributes: { title: 'Updated!' },
    relationships: {
      blog: {
        data: {
          type: 'blogs',
          id: 123,
          method: 'update'
      tags: {
        data: [{
          type: 'tags',
          temp-id: 's0m3uu1d',
          method: 'create'
      comments: {
        data: [
            type: 'comments',
            id: '123',
            method: 'destroy'
            type: 'comments',
            id: '456',
            method: 'disassociate'
  included: [
      type: 'tags',
      :'temp-id' => 's0m3uu1d',
      attributes: { name: 'Important' }
      type: 'blogs',
      id: => '123',
      attributes: { name: 'Updated!' }

7.3 Validation Errors

When a persistence operation is attempted but the corresponding Resource is invalid, the transaction will be rolled back and an errors payload will be returned with a 422 response code:

  errors: [{
    code:  'unprocessable_entity',
    status: '422',
    title: "Validation Error",
    detail: "Title can't be blank",
    source: { pointer: '/data/attributes/title' },
    meta: {
      attribute: :title,
      message: "can't be blank",
      code: :blank

To get this functionality, your Model must adhere to the ActiveModel::Validations API.

You get this for free with ActiveRecord, or it can be mixed in to any PORO:

class Post
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  validates :title, presence: true

Errors on associations will have a slightly expanded payload:

  errors: [{
    code: 'unprocessable_entity',
    status: '422',
    title: 'Validation Error',
    detail: "Name can't be blank",
    source: { pointer: '/data/attributes/name' },
    meta: {
      relationship: {
        attribute: :name,
        message: "can't be blank",
        code: :blank,
        name: :pets,
        id: '444',
        type: 'pets'

When Sideposting, the errors payload will contain all invalid Resources in the graph.

7.4 Read on Write

By default, the response of a persistence operation will mirror your request. But sometimes you need control over the response. The most common scenario is sideloading an additional entity - imagine creating an order, and wanting the order’s shipping information to come back in the response.

You can do this by POSTing the payload as normal, but adding query parameters to the URL:

# POST /api/v1/orders?include=shipping_information

  type: 'orders',
  attributes: { ... }

This will sideload the shipping information in the response. When using Spraypaint, do this with:

order.save({ returnScope: Order.includes('shipping_information') })

8 Context

All resources have access to #context. If you’re using Rails, context is the controller instance processing the request.

# app/resources/post_resource.rb
attribute :active, :boolean, writable: :admin?

def admin?

Because current_user is so common, we recommend putting this in ApplicationResource:

# app/resources/application_resource.rb
class ApplicationResource < Graphiti::Resource
  # ... code ...
  def current_user

# app/resources/post_resource.rb
class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  # ... code ...
  def admin?

You can manually set context with with_context:

ctx = OpenStruct.new(current_user: User.first)
Graphiti.with_context(ctx) do
  # current_user == ctx.current_user

9 Concurrency

By default when using Rails, Graphiti will turn on concurrency when ::Rails.application.config.cache_classes is true (the default for staging and production environments). This will cause sibling sideloads to load concurrently. If a Post is sideloading Comments and Author, we’ll load both of those at the same time.

You can turn on/off this behavior explicitly:

 # config/intializers/graphiti.rb
Graphiti.configure do |c|
  c.concurrency = false

NOTE: Since this kicks off a new Thread, thread locals will be dropped. So if your code refers to Thread.current[:foo] you should set and get that on Graphiti.context:

 # BAD:
Thread.current[:foo] = "bar"
Thread.current[:foo] # => will be nil when sideloading!

 # GOOD:
Graphiti.context[:foo] = "bar"
Graphiti.context[:foo] # => "bar", even when sideloading

10 Adapters

Common resource overrides can be packaged into an Adapter for code re-use. The most common example is using a different client/datastore than ActiveRecord/RelationalDB.

Adapters are best explained in our ‘Without ActiveRecord’ Cookbook.