1 Overview

Links are useful for:

  • Discoverability
  • Lazy-loading
  • Hiding implementation details

Let’s say we’re loading a Post and its “Top Comments”. On Day One, we might eager load the data like so:


This fetches all the data in a single request. But after some UI testing, we decide to add a “show comments” button. This way our page can load more quickly - it only needs to load the Post initially, and loading Top Comments can be deferred. We want to lazy load the relationship.

How would we do this? We could bake this logic into our next request:


But this requires the client to have knowledge of what a “Top Comment” is. If this logic ever changed, we’d have to update every client - our desktop app, mobile apps, reports, etc… Not to mention, third parties who just want to display Top Comments are required to have this knowledge and update their implementations as well.

Maybe we could hide what “Top Comment” means with a special endpoint:


But now clients need to know to hit this special endpoint instead of the normal /comments endpoint. How would they know? What if top_comments had special caching rules and shouldn’t be used for this purpose?

The main problem here is there is no way to guarantee our lazy-loaded data will match our eager loaded data. Whether we fetch the Post and its Top Comments in a single request, or lazy-load that data in a separate request, the same data should always be returned.

Links solve this problem. When we fetch the Post, the top_comments relationship will contain a URL. Clients can simply follow that URL to lazy-load the same data. We can now change the definition of a Top Comment - 500 upvotes, factor in recency, apply downvotes - and no clients need to change. They simple continue to follow a Link.

1.1 Linking Relationships

When defining a relationship, we get a Link for free:

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  has_many :comments


And when customizing a relationship with params, our Link will be updated:

has_many :comments do
  params do |hash|
    hash[:filter][:upvotes] = { gte: 100 }


Note: if you use the scope block directly, it may cause incorrect links. Avoid using scope directly and instead use params and pre_load if possible.

To manually generate a Link:

has_many :comments do
  link do |post|
    helpers = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
    helpers.comments_url(params: { filter: { post_id: post.id } })
    # or
    # http://example.com/api/v1/comments?filter[post_id]=123

To avoid a Relationship Link altogether:

has_many :comments, link: false

2 Resource Endpoints

To generate links, we need to associate a Resource to a URL. By default, this happens automatically:

class ApplicationResource < Graphiti::Resource
  # ... code ...
  self.endpoint_namespace = '/api/v1'

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  # under the hood:
  primary_endpoint 'posts',
    [:index, :show, :create, :update, :destroy]

Which would generate links to /api/v1/posts.

2.1 Validation

Associating a Resource to an Endpoint serves two purposes. We’ve gone over link generation. But we also want to make sure we’re not linking to something that doesn’t actually exist. That’s why we perform Endpoint Validation.

If we tried to access the above resource at a /comments endpoint:

class CommentsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # ...

We’d get a Graphiti::Errors::InvalidEndpoint error. Endpoint validation ensures that our auto-generated Links are actually valid.

To change the endpoint associated to a Resource:

primary_endpoint 'special_posts', [:index, :show]

Or to alter only the path:

self.endpoint[:path] = 'special_posts'

Or to alter only the actions supported:

self.endpoint[:actions] = [:index, :show]

A resource may be accessible by multiple endpoints. Maybe PostResource is also used at /top_posts. We want to keep all auto-generated links pointing to /posts (the primary endpoint), but allow accessing PostResource from the /top_posts endpoint:

secondary_endpoint '/top_posts', [:index]

3 Configuration

3.1 Autolinking

To turn off automatically generated links:

class ApplicationResource < Graphiti::Resource
  self.autolink = false

3.2 Endpoint Validation

To turn off Endpoint Validation:

class ApplicationResource < Graphiti::Resource
  self.validate_endpoints = false

3.3 Links-on-Demand

To only render links when requested in the URL with ?links=true:

Graphiti.configure do |c|
  c.links_on_demand = true

3.4 Custom Endpoint URLs

To change the URL associated with a Resource:

class PostResource < ApplicationResource
  # Most commonly seen in ApplicationResource
  self.endpoint_namespace = '/api/v1'

  primary_endpoint '/posts', [:index, :show]
  # OR
  self.endpoint[:path] = '/posts'
  # OR
  self.endpoint[:actions] = [:index, :show]

To generate a Relationship Link manually:

has_many :comments do
  link do |post|
    helpers = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
    helpers.comments_url(params: { filter: { post_id: post.id } })
    # or
    # http://example.com/api/v1/comments?filter[post_id]=123